Monday, December 31, 2007

Back in Action!

Finished off the two pending drawings...colors to come.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas!

It's vacation time for me, so I'll leave you with this one for the week. I'll be back next week with more monsters...

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Zombie! Done!

All right, I think I have this technique wrangled proper.

On to the werewolf and Templar next!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Zombie! Airbrushed...

Now on to the color pencils and pastels to bring out the highlights and other grisly details...

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Zombie! Still not done!

Xmas getting in the way of everything! So I had just a little time to work on it, I'm also working on the BadFlip Xmas card, so that's taking up some time as well, but you'll have to wait until next week for that one.

Here's Mr. Zombie, you can see how light the pencil actually is, when I start putting in the blacks...

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Zombie! Do I have something on my tie?

Finished pencil drawings for Mr. Zombie, now I'll take all three to the next step, charcoal pencil and ink, to bring out the values.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Zombie! Look out!

The last of the warmups before I start in on some key frames, just pencils right now...after this one is set up, I'll get back to the Templar and Werewolf drawings as well.

Just in time for Christmas.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Quick character design 3.

The final in all it's glory. I like lots of little lights, it kind of came out Dune meets the Matrix. And so it is done.

Back to werewolves and zombies, and killers of foul creatures...

Friday, December 14, 2007

Quick character design 2.

Here's the drawing for the character. It's just crazy. It's not quite the totally comprehensive design I was going for, but it's a rush job, so I need to move on the color. If I had more time, I might rework the upper leg; that seems to conflict a little with the rest of that dude's widget design.

Or I can just say his knee is a work in progress, and he's going to stick that test tube in there.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Quick character design.

Here's the beginnings of a character design I have to have finished by Saturday, it's an after hours thing, so this is getting in the way of 'werewolves and the ones who kill them' for now...

This is just a brainstorming of thumbnails for a couple hours, based on a description of a paragraph or so. The one with the dot next to it is the pose, and relative costume design I'm going to go with.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Design 2, Templar pencils.

Here's the finished grayscale. My pens came finally, but I'm doing a quick side project first, before I get back to Templar...

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Design 2, Templar

Still waiting for my pens, so I'm jumping over the next design, here's a partial preview...

Monday, December 10, 2007

Werewolf! Part 2.

Here's the full body shot, in pencils. I'm waiting on some new pens, so I'm moving on to the next design on my list, and then put the strong values in when I get the new art supplies.

Friday, December 7, 2007


Here's the head, that's about all I have drawn out so far. It is a full body shot, but these 'hairy' drawings take about twice as long to do. Arrrrrrrrr-oooooooooo!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Back to the drawing board.

Here's an illustration I'm working on, just the grayscale so far. Dude, trees, and a hurricane. Got a new set of pastel pencils I'm going to try instead of colored pencils this time. Good luck to me!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Quick ink&color sketch of a Nitrobike. I'm trying to streamline some techniques, and try to come up with something more than a roughed out design, but not as time consuming as a full color comp to take to final. Sometimes ideas take four steps from thumbnail, to sketch, to color comp, to final, so I'm trying to cut out a step in the process.

As relatively detailed as the bike is, the color is taking simplicity cues from all the cartoony stuff I've been doing day I'll figure out this whole, 'less is more' concept!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Nightcrawler 4 of 4

BAMF! All right, that's it for the cartoony stuff for awhile. I have some keyframes to start, some mechanical drawings, and I'm itching to make my car into a Transformer.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Nightcrawler Final - Page 3

I had to change the line color of the knights, again because of the 'night' coloring, it was getting lost with the shading being added. One more to go!