Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Pirates pt. 2 - Characters.

So we have Jack Sparrow, that's a no brainer. Who else will fight? Mr. Gibbs. Of course. Will Turner? More than likely. Ms. Swan? Certainly.

Wait. Not Ms. Swan? But she's a lead in the film, she did action stuff all through it. And Keira Knightly is rising movie star, built in marketing right there!

Maybe if we kept her in a dress and didn't give her a traditional weapon, then we can include her in the character set? oooooooooooooooooooo-kkkaaaaaaaaay.

We still need a chick, so we did a pass at Ana Maria. She's tough and pirate-y, but who knows if she'd be in any sequels. All we knew is that the sequels had been greenlit, and the principals signed to star...

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