Monday, March 23, 2009

Soundwave 05

OK. B&W done...all details finished, mushed in a background...still need to work it a little, and add/move some stars around. I threw in an overlay of a rocky ground texture, but it'll be knocked way back when colors and shadows get added.

I have no idea what time of day to make it, reflecting on the characters, I guess it will have to be REALLY bright moonshine? I'll fudge this one, but if it stands out from the other five pics, I might have to readdress it.

On to color...


  1. Are you working on a Watcom Tablete?

  2. I do use a wacom, but for the block in, it was mostly path and/freehand selections. If I need a more organic shape, I'll use the wacom, and also for highlights. It comes into play a lot more in defining the shapes in the final stage, in this state it's still pretty general...

    I have a cintiq as well, but I need a new monitor to run it with my current system, so hopefully soon I'll be drawing right on the screen!

  3. Yeah my friend has a Cintiq I loved drawing on it. I want to get one but I really don't see myself using that often for projects since most of my commissions are for paintings.
    BTW I'll be sending you those sticks this week :P
