Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Theme Park Review - Deep South / Texas

All right, had to shelve the Transformers stuff for just a bit, and get back to Theme Park Review.com's second 2009 tour design.

They're hitting parks in Texas, Georgia, and Tennessee. And we were stumped on what to put on this shirt. So...a big star became the Texas rep, and peaches for Georgia. In Tennessee, Dollywood is the main destination, so we decided a guitar would rep for Tenn.

I struggled with these elements for a few weeks (in my head) and then finally got started sketching. I wanted to have a more literal design for this one, but the elements would not behave for me, so I went back to an old standard, and turned the Peaches into characters.

After I found the sketch, the client requested a ring around the star, to make it more Texas, and then I was ready to move on to the line art...

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