Monday, July 27, 2009

TF2 - Seekers 01

And away we go with the Seekers. Lots more variations of sketches went into these, but these were the top picks of the bunch. And originally I was trying to get the G1 styled head into the design as well...

...and so this is what I came up with. Maybe I'm trying to redeem the movie Starscream a bit? I've said it to anyone who has asked, I actually love the design of the movie F22, I just don't think he should be called Starscream. So anyways, I thought I'd maybe be able to get away with something here.

Not quite, but JT was pretty excited about going in that direction as well, but again, as the Art Director, he has the responsibility to maintain the movie-verse style, so with minimal adjustments, we sent this one off to Hasbro.

Initially the design was met with a lot of enthusiasm, with comments about it being true to the G1 Seekers, so I went on my merry way finishing the Protectobots, assuming it was approved. But I guess someone at Hasbro got cold feet, and asked for another submission, this time making it more like it would fit in the family of the movie Starscream. So I whipped up these sketches...

...and settled on this one. I added some tone and sent it off, and this is the one that got approved.

So close, kids, so close...


  1. Hello Ken,

    I was hopping to see some cover art from you at comic con, but I guess it was not posted or something.

    I thought Seeker looked awesome in the game however, after seeing the original way he was so post to look I cannot help but feel robbed of an otherwise more faithful design. Why couldn’t Starscream look like Seeker? It is mind boggling.

    It is funny, as the movie franchise has gone into its first sequel, it seems that early fan complaints were right (mainstream audience and critics felt that the movie designs were too generic and bland. Fans early on said something similar).

    I will tell you what, if I ever do a Transformers movie I will hire you to design them, all I need now is two hundred million dollars to produce it. lol

  2. Love the Seeker design, it really is so much better looking then the actual movie starscream design. Interesting that Hasbro really liked it too. There was a mystery walmart or target listing a while back for a voyager "NEST fighter jet" which was at once vague and exciting. Still a mystery too, even after Botcon and SDCC...
