Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Endor Leia Portrait 01

This one is a bit of a cheat, in that I feel I have a pretty good handle on hard surfaces, so I chose this image of Leia with the helmet - I'm still kind of sucky at hair, all my drawing and digital tricks aren't translating very well! - but I did want to try some cast shadows. So again, I started with the 1:1 sketch with the col-erase layout pencil.

And again, I used a few colored pencils to build of the forms that I didn't want too heavy with black...

...and after I put in the darks with black paint and spatter, I went back with a dark brown prismacolor to darken the leather straps of the helmet.

Prepped, and ready for paint!


  1. She looks beautiful, and the drawing is fantastic, i really like your technique

  2. She looks beautiful, and your technique is very nice.
    Good job 5/5
