Thursday, June 17, 2010

Bounty Hunters -Sketches Comp Final

All right, that old comp wasn't sitting right with me, it seemed too over-balanced on the left side, so I sat down with it again to recompose.  I played around with the sizes and tilts of the characters more, and got it assembled into a much better composition.  Instead of focusing on the details around the drawings, I approached it with a 'big picture' aspect - not worrying about what detail got covered up, or how tightly they fit together - I wanted more energy, and I can fill in the gaps later.  I feel this arrangement has more balance, and I can use the background to further balance it out with some starshine or something...

In doing a bit of moving some junk around, I found this old sketchbook, that coincidentally held the original Bounty Hunters idea, from 12-13 YEARS ago.  I had the big idea, but I think this was the only drawing I ever did for it, up until a couple weeks ago.  Crazy...

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