Monday, August 23, 2010

Some Autobots. *Updated

Let me preface this post - Yes I did work on Transformers : Prime.  No, these images are NOT from that work.  You have to wait until October to see those...

But, now that some of those images are starting to come out, I wanted to try to do some studies to match the official style.  Just really rough at this point, trying to find some of the basics.

Obviously, TF:P Bumblebee is based on the movie Camaro, so I wanted to try a pass with him as the Beetle, and how that old vehicle form could break up in new ways.  Then I took a crack at Jazz (I don't know if there's any TF/Prime images of him out, and I honestly don't know if he's in the lineup for the show - I didn't work on him, in any case) and based him on more of the TF:Animated styling.  And then for fun, I just picked a random Autobot, and did Inferno.  He was the last one I did, and I think I started to capture some of the TF:P looks...

Tomorrow, some Decepts...

*Seems there's been some confusion - let me reiterate - these images have nothing at all to do with anything official, this is really on the level of fan art only. I've only seen the images from the Hub website...that and my trusty copy of the Ark is what I'm using for inspiration.  I said I would post the TF:Prime stuff I did for Hasbro in October - I didn't know there was a debate about the premiere, I just know the Hub says Oct. let me clarify, when the show actually airs, is when it's even possible for me to show some of the concept art.


  1. Very cool. Love me some Transformer sketches.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. More to show in October? Because you think the show's premiering then? Even though the production staff admitted that the show was highly unlikely to be ready by then?

    Well, if that premier date is still on, I sure hope the show doesn't look rushed as a result, because that's a heck of a lot of work to do in two months.

  4. Fantastic. Wish that were the bee we were getting, rather than the movie one in the show.

  5. Thanks guys. I don't know really much about the shows' production and it's premiere - I heard that rumor as well, but as far as I know it's still 10/10/10.

    If anything changes, I'll probably be reading the same press release as you...

  6. I hope that the inferno design winds up in the show somehow.

  7. It's not really a rumor when it comes straight from the production staff at Botcon. I don't know if it was Jeff Kline or Mike Vogel, but one of them publicly admitted that there was little chance of the show being ready for the planned October premier date. So I'd hold off on those sketches until the actual finished product is out there for all to see. But that's me.

  8. Yeah, I can't show anything until the characters show up on TV, ...and again...the sketches I posted today are NOT anything official, I just did them last night!

    Fan Art Only, just the same as the G1 Rumble and Frenzy, or the WFC Prime vs Megatron from weeks back.

  9. Sorry, I meant hold off on anything 'official'. Feel free to show off any fan-art you want to post, I say. :)

  10. Lookin' darn good Ken, let me see if I got it right, like, you already did your own design work for the show, but only now you tried to draw in the show style itself?

    That's pretty good y'know, gets you prepared if they call you to work on more seasons!

  11. Besides Peter Cullen and Frank Welker who is gonna voice the rest of the characters of TF:Prime and what channel will this show air on Comcast?

  12. When can you do more of these drawings?
