Monday, July 25, 2011

A Bad Day for Captain Solo

8x10" Acrylics and colored pencil - done as a gift for Star Wars Action News hosts, Arnie and Marjorie, for giving me now over 300 (!!!) episodes of Star Wars podcasts to listen to while working.  I finally had a chance to meet them at an SDCC breakfast last Friday, and brought a long a little something to show my appreciation.

This is the paint over the pencils - with this one I used a palette knife to create the underpainted gesso texture, to give some areas that flat, paved look, like the block of carbonite itself.  I really like how it came out, I'll try that again!


  1. Awesome work!

    How was Comic Con for you this year? Quite ho-hum as far as news goes...

    Have you seen Captain America yet!?!

  2. It went pretty well, still trying to crack Marvel, but the Hasbro stuff was fun.

    I liked Cap a lot, but I thought the Hydra soldiers and weapons were way over-designed - almost interchangeable with modern design aesthetics.

  3. He doesn't look so "cool" now does he...or then again, maybe he does...
