Monday, August 5, 2013

Charticon 2013!

Charticon is this weekend!  I'll be there Friday through Sunday.  There's a meet and greet patio party Friday night, and I'll be on the con floor the whole weekend, but I'll step away, for just a bit on Saturday afternoon, to join the IDW artists panel.

As usual, I'll have prints, sketchbooks, originals, and will be available for commissions during the show.  Here's a more comprehensive overview of what I'll have with me:

Convention Stuff

Also, I'll be participating in the Charticon Charity Auction, supporting A Child's Place.  I'm donating a Transformers Prime : Beast Hunters #1 sketch cover:

Also, I saw there's a couple of Rage of the Dinobots series in the auction, winners are welcome to stop by and get them signed as well.  I'm hoping it's a massively successful event!

Hope to see you there!

Oh, and one more thing.  Charticon, NC + Discovery Shark Week = Sharkticon Week, on the Bad Flip Blog.  Every week day I'll post a sketch of a shark themed know, for fun.

We start with Hammer Strike.

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