After a quick brainstorm of thumbnails and thoughts, I hit the wall on what the theme for this shirt would be. Usually the recipe for the TPR T-shirt designs consists of taking a location icon and toon-ifying it, but that didn't really seem to be the case with this tour, no Rome = no Coliseum, no Berlin = no Brandenburg Gate, etc. The Nurburing was tempting, but so complex it wouldn't make sense in the context and themes of these designs. So I stuck with the Eurorail idea, just decided to highlight the beautiful countryside of the area...

...but made a bit of a departure from the previous designs. Instead of toon-ifying, I went a little more Disney-ifyed, using these classic posters as inspiration. The plan wasn't to go whole-hog, and just do a Disney version of the design - I wanted it to be able to stand with all of the other TPR designs in the end...

So again, I made a rough drawing to get started on the final. Usually the drawings are followed fairly closely, in that I just digitally trace and clean up the pencil work, then make adjustments, but this time, it was more of a plan of attack, because I was going to be using block colors (not just outlines, with an easily adjustable color fill) too; elements would need to get locked down earlier in the process, therefore being harder to adjust in the end...
To find out more about these worldwide theme park tours, go to: www.themeparkreview.com
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