Mmmmmm...that's a mean lookin' truck. Armored+. Took the basic Brinks truck idea, along with an independent custom service, and mixed it up with my own ideas to come up with this bruiser of a rig. The 3/4 view of the robot? Suck. Trying to stretch him out to show everything really made him...less cool... than the pretty imposing impression the front and back views made...

....this way he looks like an outside linebacker, ready to crush everything in his path. While still not quite in the family of the movie-verse, this guy also held up fairly well when all was said and done, a little more slice and dice of the vehicle parts than usual, and with the addition of more complex gears and jointing, he fit the mold a bit better.

The transformation sequence...

Here is the action feature for this guy, and actually, I knew at this point that this guy was going to be a toy, so it lends itself better to an easier real-world transformation, because the arms were very complex in how they reformed from the side and roof of the rig. I thought if it was too much trouble, they could take it that way, and it wouldn't differ too much from the game character.

Meet Payload, the toy version of Armored Truck Drone. This vehicle mode is EXACTLY like the concept art, I was so excited and honored to see that, so cool! And the robot mode is great as well, they even managed to engineer around the crazy forearms, and make it really close to the game version and character design.
Payload...good name too...
Payload and Longarm are two of my favorite Transformer toys.
*big thumbs up*
In my experience, Payload is one of the most disappointing figures from the first movie. He keeps falling apart, and his panels don't allign properly in vehicle mode. And then there's the huge bar sticking out of his robo-butt.
It's a real shame, because your design looks great!
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